“I want to capture moments that will last a life time through adventure, lifestyle, and travel”
Originally from South East England, now based in Bedfordshire, I’ve always had a love and appreciation for photography. In 2014, I spent the year in South Africa and purchased my first DSLR camera and began taking photos! Over time, I’ve taken this hobby more and more seriously. Street and landscape photography are where I’ve developed most of my skills, having also dabbled in music and event photography, and every now and then commercial work too.
I want to capture moments that will last a life time through adventure, lifestyle, and travel. I love that no two photos are the same, and I feel I can capture real moments that will last. I would say my style of photography is moody and atmospheric, but I love capturing pops of colour that make the image stand out. I hope my creativity reacts with you in a positive way.